Human Contact
Nature is the Classroom
Full Learning
Do you need a tutor or a teacher guide for your thesis?
Are you interested in practicing in hydrology and / or hydrogeology?
Are you looking for a theme for your memory or thesis?
We give talks in schools, museums, seminars and conferences about different topics in water sciences, including water management
In the environmental area we will be happy to offer talks focused on environmental protection within the Leave No TraceTM program.
If in the classroom you are dealing with a topic that could be reinforced with an experience, do not hesitate to contact; we will be happy to help.
Science is accessible to everyone, and everyone can do science; even people do it already unconsciously.
Citizen science has become very important in recent years. It is defined as public participation in scientific research. It is a project in which professional researchers collaborate with volunteers. However, little has been developed in rural areas (agriculture) and less with indigenous communities in remote areas. In Chile, some experiences are being developed (DGA, Minagri, CEAZA).
Participatory monitoring with communities allows generating essential data for the understanding of hydrological and hydrogeological processes and data that allow communities themselves to improve and adapt their agricultural activities; understand the processes that occur in the basin, and above all, place the communities as relevant actors in the basin.